Welcome to the Flushing C of E School website. We have spaces for Reception from September 2024. Please apply through School Admissions: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/schools-and-colleges/school-admissions/


Who should I talk to if I have concerns?

Tamsin Lamberton - Designated Safeguarding Lead*

Helen French - Deputy for DSL (in the absence of the DSL)

Zoe Mitchell - Cover for DSL (in the absence of both above)

Robert Hurrell - Designated Safeguarding Governor^

Canon Andrew Stevenson - Whistleblowing Governor

Helen French - Designated Teacher for Children in Care

*The DSL is also the Single Point of Contact for the Prevent Agenda, Female Genital Mutilation and Child Sexual Exploitation, likewise with the DSG.

Members of the public can also contact the MARU (Multi Agency Referral Unit) about concerns or requests for support on;

0300 1231 116

Our Safeguarding Policies

Click the links below for all our policies.