- A strong focus on developing both geographical skills and knowledge.
- Critical thinking, with the ability to ask perceptive questions and explain and analyse evidence.
- The development of fieldwork skills across each year group.
- A deep interest and knowledge of pupils’ locality and how it differs from other areas of the world
- A growing understanding of geographical concepts, terms and vocabulary.
• Locational knowledge
• Place knowledge
• Human and physical geography
• Geographical skills and fieldwork
We believe that revisiting key facts and concepts at regular intervals, support pupils retaining key 'sticky facts'.
Cross-curricular links are included throughout each unit, allowing children to make connections and apply their Geography skills to other areas of learning. Our enquiry questions form the basis for our Key stage 1 and 2 units, meaning that pupils gain a solid understanding of geographical knowledge and skills by applying them to answer enquiry questions. We have designed these questions to be open-ended with no preconceived answers and therefore they are genuinely purposeful and engage pupils in generating a real change. In attempting to answer them, children learn how to collect, interpret and represent data using geographical methodologies and make informed decisions by applying their geographical knowledge.
The EYFS units provide a solid foundation of geographical skills, knowledge and enquiry for children to transition successfully onto Key stage 1 Geography learning, whilst also working towards the Development matters statements and Early Learning Goals. These units consist of a mixture of adult-led and child-initiated activities which fit nicely into our EYFS class topics.
At Flushing CE primary School we expect the impact of our Geography scheme of work is that children will:
Compare and contrast human and physical features to describe and understand similarities and
differences between various places in the UK, Europe and the Americas.
Name, locate and understand where and why the physical elements of our world are located and
how they interact, including processes over time relating to climate, biomes, natural disasters and
the water cycle.
Understand how humans use the land for economic and trading purposes, including how the
distribution of natural resources has shaped this.
Develop an appreciation for how humans are impacted by and have evolved around the physical
geography surrounding them and how humans have had an impact on the environment, both
positive and negative.
Develop a sense of location and place around the UK and some areas of the wider world using the
eight-points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and keys on maps, globes,
atlases, aerial photographs and digital mapping.
Include a paragraph that explains your assessment models (AfL), tracking and evidencing progress
processes in Geography.
Identify and understand how various elements of our globe create positioning, including latitude,
longitude, the hemispheres, the tropics and how time zones work, including night and day.
Present and answer their own geographical enquiries using planned and specifically chosen
methodologies, collected data and digital technologies.
Meet the ‘Understanding the World’ Early Learning Goals at the end of EYFS, and the end of key
stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for Geography by the end of Year 2 and Year 6.