Welcome to the Flushing C of E School website. We have spaces for Reception from September 2024. Please apply through School Admissions: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/schools-and-colleges/school-admissions/


Maths at Flushing CE Primary School
Through a small steps, sequenced approach to maths teaching, we aim to provide opportunities for all children to achieve and succeed. We recognise when children have made achievements and praise their progress and efforts. In maths we work hard to nurture our children's skills in this subject area through a mastery approach and provide them with a basis on which to build their learning in the future.
We use the National Curriculum Requirements for Maths as set out in the National Curriculum Program of Study as the basis of our coverage. We break this down into steps using the White Rose planning documents which are produced and regularly updated by the maths hub. Lessons will be taught as whole class or year group specific as appropriate, using small steps of learning. During the delivery children will be given small tasks to complete along the way e.g. questions to respond to on white boards, to enable continued engagement and assessment as the learning and lesson progresses. The delivery will provide children with representations and manipulatives where appropriate.
The Maths Coordinator will complete observations of teaching and learning yearly and will feed back on progress. This information will also inform the school action plan. In addition the coordinator will carry out 'book looks,' and will write a report to the governors and feed back to staff. The coordinator will also look at data from formative and summative assessments and to help identify areas where extra support might be needed. The impact is measured not only by formal assessment but by the ways children view their own learning and how they see themselves as mathematicians.
We encourage children to learn through understanding and by developing their ability to explain their learning.  The aim is that all this will help support all pupils, in their next stage of learning.